Where Your Water Comes From

Water is central to the life of West Texas. The Colorado River Municipal Water District (CRMWD) water supports the economy and expansion for over 600,000 residents. CRMWD constantly pools and diversifies its water sources to provide these customers with consistent, sustainable and quality water supplies.

All told, the District maintains:
The District’s water comes from three main sources:

To protect the quality of water we deliver and conserve our best sources, CRMWD has also developed an innovative system of side reservoirs to remove the saltiest water from our share of the Colorado River. This water is provided to the oil industry.

All these components of the District’s raw water transmission system are inter-connected to move CRMWD’s water as it travels between different cities, and protect it along the way. This provides CRMWD’s customer and member cities the water they need regardless of lake levels or changes in demand.



Service Map

planning map

The map provides an overview of CRMWD’s water sources and delivery system.

See how our system works to get water to your community.